President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced today that Brazil will make “the necessary corrections” to its NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) under the Paris Agreement. According to Lula, the country will resume the commitments made in 2015.
To make progress in efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C, the Brazilian government needs to present a more ambitious NDC with targets expressed in absolute numbers. This means having emissions limits lower than 1.30 GtCO2eq for 2025 and 1.20 GtCO2eq for 2030. The president did not specify the correction values in his speech: “”We will make the necessary corrections in our NDC, which was changed twice under the past government”.
As the host of COP 30, Brazil has limited time to review and achieve mitigation targets for 2025. “To align with Paris, the NDC needs ambition and legitimacy,” says Natalie Unterstell, President of the Talanoa Institute. “What was announced today is just the first item of a list of urgent tasks for Brazil’s NDC to inspire confidence and become a true climate investment plan that Brazil presents to the world.”
According to the Talanoa Institute, the government should conduct a public consultation to make the NDC more transparent and ambitious, develop an implementation plan, and also a long-term strategy. As pointed out in the Reconstruction report published in November 2022 by the Política por Inteiro, the revision of Brazil’s NDC is an indispensable action in the process of reversing the dismantling promoted by the previous government. It can also send a signal to markets and governments to accelerate the pace of Brazil’s decarbonization.

The president also signed a decree updating the Interministerial Committee on Climate Change (CIM), which serves to enable intergovernmental coordination. The CIM has existed since 2007, when it was established by Decree 6,263, and has undergone adjustments over the years. The Committee has not yet held meetings since the beginning of the Lula-Alckmin government.
In his speech, Lula stated that the CIM will plan the NDC review – an urgent task, as the Brazilian government has until September 29 to submit an updated NDC for inclusion in the NDC synthesis report prepared by the UNFCCC Secretariat for COP 28.
Want to understand more about the goals and impacts of Brazil’s NDCs? Access our studies on transparency, credibility and ambition, done in partnership with WWF Brazil, at: https://institutotalanoa.org/publicacoes/
Press contact: imprensa@institutotalanoa.org